Saturday, 8 March 2014

Irish Heritage, Something to think about.

St Patricks day in Montserrat is twofold Irish and African Heritage.

I always wondered why my surname was spelt Daly as opposed to Daley.
This was the thinking mind of a nine year old way back in St John's Montserrat.
Alas I did not have to wore out my young brain cells, simultaneously My dad was getting these series of dreams. These dreams centered on a specific tomb in Carrs Bay cemetry. I said a Tomb not a grave.
Curiosity had me and so the next time we went to the beach which was Carrs bay I reminded him to look for the grave. Lo and behold we found the tomb and it was a Marble Tomb/Ivory to be exact.
The inscription was Henry Daly 104 yrs  the wife's name was also there and she lived about 94 yrs. It was done in the nineteen century.
What a shock that was. More curious I asked my grandpa Man man Daly about my ancestors.
He said the Dalys of Banks, Nixons and StJohn's were related and were very wealthy.  They were from Ireland ,white,
with long hair and mostly had green eyes..
If you knew my Grandpa he had fair complexion soft curly hair and green eyes.

Wat a ting.

Tuesday, 23 October 2012

Stjohnians in Fifty

AS the Fiftieth year celebration of festival approaches all eyes are been centered on what mostly occured in town Plymouth itself and it seemed as if no one remembered that StJohns day was a powerful influence in this festivity.
I do  hope the books poetry and all other and Sundry that is been said of Festival 50 have mentioned of St John's day because it has Merits. I said that because at least seventy percent of the veteran calypsonians  in the 70's and 80's were from St John's. You tell me of any calypsonian that has produced a road march as melodious as PUSH IT by the Mighty Black Prince and singing a calypso in a 'Minor key'mastering melody rhythm and Lyrics. That song was  I need a sweet tune partner. I must continue to mention King reality a master in melody and lyrics. How can I forget Fisher and Rhaydo and the long list goes on up to present day.
Leading up to St John'sDay the revalry in StJohns night after night has not been surpassed. Once Al Cox knock a pan there is mass and mass and people in droves. I will always  remember Silent Mass in Pyjamas.
Miss May and mas Thomas kept the guppies and string band going . The Stjohns Masquerades were the best led by Reggie and later by Titus.These were just a tip of the ice berg there were other string bands led by Mas Brothers and sometimes impromtu bands because in those days most people learned to play different instruments. Then there were individual characters as miss Poly and Rosey and her concertina.

St Johns Day over the past has seen some ups and downs the creation of NOSCAR in Carrs Bay had helped to revive it during the 80's and 90's which resulted in live bands and steel bands parading the streets of Stjohn's untill wee hours of the morning. However there were set backs in which a certain government did not want to recognise it by taking back the half holiday normaly alloted to it. Then there were multiple actions on that day in different villages but most people loved Stjohns day it is unique.
God's willing I hope this festival that  all 'Stjohnians' far and near would pool their resourses to make it the best St
John's day ever.

Thursday, 29 July 2010

John Osborne Airport in Montserrat

The Gerald's Airport has been renamed the JohnOsborne Airport. The Airport has been welcomed during the height of the volcanic crisis in Montserrat. The fact that much people did not take kindly to the Boat or the heilcopter which was the means of travel at that time.However there was much controversy stemming from acquirng the land to building the airport. This was not the facility most Montserratians envisaged, it was much smaller, the airstrip much shorter and the list goes on. The vision of a state of the art airport with vast amount of land and the opening up of venues for Jobs, housing, and a Golf Course would have been a big boost for the economy in the Thatch Valley area. Sadly this was short lived but gladly Montserrat still has SKY BLUE DAYS.

Thursday, 26 November 2009

Christmas as I remembered----My christmas.

I write this as I listened to the song ' Long long ago in Bethlehem'. It gives the reader what christmas was in the past compared to how it is now celebrated. Those folks who are more matured would remember it differently and are free to make comments.

As I recalled Christmas in the 60's 70's is no way like it is now portrayed. At the start of October the chill in the air gives one the feeling as if a change is happening . I am writing this as my view of Christmas in the Caribbean,Montserrat to be exact. The sound of the Masquerade drums practicing for the coming festive season perks one imagination for what is coming. The sound of the firecrackers bombs and other fireworks leading up to 5th Nov night was a novelty to me during my childhood days. I can recall my first Flambo. Flambo is a bottle filled with kerosene oil a piece of cloth at the top and this is lit and carried through the villages in groups.
I had packs of star lights and other fireworks but I just needed my flambo. The sound of the masquerade drum and the merriment on that night attracted most children in the village it is no wonder that most children knew how to dance the masquerade.
The next big event leading up to Christmas was the different Harvest thanksgiving by the churches and St John's Anglican church was no exception. This church is usually packed and overflowing morning and evening. As I recall was it the singing that attracted so many people or the fact that the hospitality in St John's (North)was so superb people just flocked there. Another factor in my opinion which contributed to huge crowds gathering was the closeness of the rum shops. St John's Anglican church harvest thanksgiving always remind me of st John's day. St johns day is another important day for the people of St Johns and this is celebrated on the 27th December.
That's another story on its own.
As early as October the radio station starts playing Christmas songs and carols which gears up people for the coming festive season. Those who are hard up on cash start singing out as early as November. By this time the barrels from the USA,UK Canada you name it start rolling in. Some people receive as much as five barrels which contain clothes, food, cameras, radios and even tv's. Those not fortunate for the barrels recieved registered letters and post cards. Folks from Britain -as they were known as were the first droves of visitors they usually came around the last week in November early December. It was noted the earlier you came means you do not have much money but if you came around 15th to 21st December you were loaded with cash. Next were those from America, by this time the country is bustling with people and money. Christmas is definitely around the corner. You can't wait for the action. Every night the streets are crowded with string bands, maquerades practicing for the big day. By Christmas Eve the activity is such a height everyone in such a good moodthat all trials sadness is put back on the backburner for January.After christmas eve church Mass everyone is in top gear and ready to go.
Then comes the big day. The masquerades the guppies people playing mas,the famous iron band was most welcome you just grab any old iron and join in the fun, you will have some folks still singing carols from the night before. For me christmas is just the begining of a line of days. My biggest day ever is St John's day celebrated on the 27th December.

Monday, 23 November 2009

The coconut--Did you know

Hi all did you know that the coconut water is an excellent source of potassium?
Did you know that drinking excessive amounts of the coconut water can raise your potassium levels and cause a possible heart attack? Yes this is so therefore as a good rule in life-- is to do things in moderation. So therefore next time you are on holiday and you fancy some gin and coconut water be aware of the ills.

The coconut tree in the backyard.